Drowning and Near Drowning

Drowning and near drowning are the second leading cause of death and disability in children.

  • Drowning - death due to suffocation within 24 hours after submersion event.
  • Near drowning - patient survival beyond 24 hours after submersion event.
  • Formulate a treatment plan for near drowning patients.
  • Highest risk groups: children < 5 years old and adolescent males.
  • Bathtub submersion injuries are most common in children < 1 year old left with inappropriate supervision.
  • Adolescent drowning is often associated with the use of alcohol or other drugs.
  • Explain the management priorities for pediatric patient triage for multiple patients.
  • Pathophysiology or submersion incidents begins with:
    • Submersion event → child panics → holds breath → loss of consciousness → loss of airway reflexes cough / gag → liquid aspiration → anoxia → arrhythmias → if left untreated, asystole.