Management of Acute Crush Injuries

  • Remove child from entrapment.
    • If extrication prolongued, begin treatment while pinned.
    • Consider early use of a tourniquet if not able to control hemorrrhage of an entrapped extremity.
  • ABCS - manage airway and breathing while maintaining in-line stabilization during airway maneuvers.
  • Obtain IV/IO access and begin fluid resuscitation as soon as possible.
    • Treatment of rhabdomyolysis involves correction of fluid and electrolyte abnormalities (e.g., hyperkalemia and acidosis) and prevention of precipitation of proteins in the renal tubules.
    • This involves early aggressive hydration with isotonic NaCl at 2-3x maintenance.
    • IV NaHCO3 may be started after initial hydration (3 amps NaHCO3 in 1L D5W). Do not place in saline, as solution will be hypertonic.
  • Splint extremity injuries - ensure external sources of compression are not overbinding.
  • Frequently reassess vital signs and extremity pulses, sensation and motor strength.
  • Close monitoring should continue uring transport to an appropriate facility.
  • Children do well if appropriate treatment is initiated early.