- Addresses how to manage pediatric trauma, the leading cause of death and disability in children over the age of one in the U.S.
- Provides the core cognitive knowledge to rapidly evaluate, stabilize, and transport the pediatric trauma patient
- Is participatory and simple to navigate, with easy-to read text, graphics, and voice over narration
- Can be completed in multiple sessions

Approved by the Florida Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and the Florida Board of Nursing for 2 hours of continuing education credit (#20-328935)
- Describe the most common causes of trauma in the pediatric population
- Discuss the impact of pediatric anatomy & physiology on the patterns of injury and management
- List the steps of assessment in the pediatric trauma patient and determine the trauma score
- Summarize the approach to pediatric trauma management and the importance of rapid transport
- Describe the management of special trauma considerations in the pediatric population
Online Training and Education Courses for The Gordon Center
e-GCRME hosts medical training and education for medical students, paramedic/firefighters, other first responders, physicians, physician assistants, nurses, and instructors. Many of our courses are FREE for Florida Personnel.