Approved by the Florida Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and the Florida Board of Nursing for continuing education credit
- Developed by subject matter experts in terrorism response; chemical, biological, radioactive, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) devices; and incident command
- Updated and improved continuously to incorporate best practices
- Used to train thousands of frst responders to recognize, evaluate and manage a terrorist incident involving CBRNE devices
- Provides practical instruction benefcial for all frst responders when dealing with a terrorist incident
- Meets the antiterrorism training requirements for Fire Offcer 1, and is approved by ODP

Interactive 8-hour online course
- Recall personal and public safety measures
- Organize an incident and unified command system
- Outline the steps for triage using START and JumpSTART triage systems
- Explain the steps for an appropriate decontamination procedure
- Implement appropriate emergency care specifc to the incident type
Supported by a grant from the Florida Department of Health
Online Training and Education Courses for The Gordon Center
e-GCRME hosts medical training and education for medical students, paramedic/firefighters, other first responders, physicians, physician assistants, nurses, and instructors. Many of our courses are FREE for Florida Personnel.