UMedic Cardiology Curriculum

“The M.I.A.M.I. Group”
The Miami International Alliance for Medical-Education Innovation

Michael S. Gordon, M.D., Ph.D.

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine


S. Barry Issenberg, M.D.

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine


Joseph Esterson, M.D.

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Ross J. Scalese, M.D.

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Gordon A. Ewy, M.D.

University of Arizona College of Medicine

Joel M. Felner, M.D.

Emory University School of Medicine

Robert A. Waugh, M.D.

Duke University Medical Center

Ira H. Gessner, M.D.

University of Florida College of Medicine

Robert E. Safford, M.D., Ph.D.

Mayo Clinic Jacksonville

Hector F. Rivera, M.D.

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

George T. Kondos, MD

University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine

Stuart D. Pringle, M.D.

University of Dundee

Donald D. Brown, M.D.

University of Iowa Hospital & Clinics

Robert A. Waugh, M.D.

Duke University Medical Center

Stuart Rich, M.D.

Rush Heart Institute / St. Luke’s Medical Center

The contributions of the above authors reflect their personal experience and opinions, and not the opinions or endorsements of their institutions.

Technical Contributors
Muriel Garcia
Aaron McEntire M.S.
Diego Waisman